How To Make A Good Decision 

How To Make A Good Decision Episode 778 | 07.24.24 We make 33,000 – 35,000 decisions every day How do you know which ones will be the right ones? Make priorities Take advice Have an open mind But also, know when to do less And Jim shares his tried and true method for telling where […]

Business Etiquette Basics

Fried On Business: Business Etiquette Basics Tips For Young People On Their First Entry Into The Job Market Episode 777 | 07.17.24 You can implement these ideas today to help you have more success immediately Jim gives his best tips on… Networking Finding a Mentor How To Prepare While You’re Still In School And Don’t […]

The Real Estate Industry Is Evolving 

Real Estate Is Evolving Episode 776 | 07.10.24 So what do we do? JIM DISCUSSES HOW HE HAS EVOLOVED TO MEET THE CHALLENGE OF THE CHANGING REAL ESATE MARKET you can use these ideas today to help you have more success

How To Build A Virtual Ecosystem

Fried On Business: How To Build A Virtual Ecosystem Episode 774 | 06.26.24 I’ve cold called over 1,000 people since the beginning of the year I’ve built out an entirely new network I’m using AI to find people I’m networking on the phone I’m networking in person I’m leveraging the power of social media And […]

Just Get Out And Do It

It’s Time To Get Out Episode 773 | 06.19.24 IT’S TIME TO GET OUT THERE AND JUST DO IT Many people are still “working from home” at least part time This work model presents real challenges to developing and maintaining your network and your mental health Jim shares some of his tips for working from […]

How To Survive Until 2025

How To Survive Until 2025 Episode 772 | 06.12.24 I get at least one call each day from someone telling me that they need to find a new job or opportunity. This week I share some of the secrets that I tell them – with you.

Flacks Group Helping the World Go Green

Flacks Group Helping the World Go Green Episode 768 | 05.15.24 This week we profile the Flacks Group and its unique value proposition. Flacks Group helps communities across the globe address the legacy liability situations that multinational firms have created.  Flacks Group specializes in investing in real estate assets that are dark or need repurposing, […]

Data Centers

Data Centers Episode 766 | 05.01.24 The Not So Hidden Opportunity of DATA CENTERS Google, Amazon, AI, UBER Eats, X all use Data Centers Are there enough good locations left Enough Power Other infrastructure concerns are in play and of course NIMBY issues

Security Token Update

Security Token Update Episode 764 | 04.17.24 Security Tokens and Real Estate Apollo, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and others are using security tokens to lower costs, increase efficiencies and reach new investors worldwide Today Jim will discuss the current market place, the new token fund he is bringing to the market and what the […]

Capital Markets Update

Capital Markets Update Episode 763 | 04.10.24 Capital Markets Update Jamie Dimon says USA interest rates will go to 8% soon Lenders say they are in the market – but most aren’t Predatory buyers and lenders have lots of cash – but no deals So what is next? Jim has 40 years of experience He […]