Episode 648 | 1.12.22
I am committed to raising funds for The Education Fund’s Teach-A-Thon and want you to join me!
I will be teaching a class of senior high level special needs students. My class will be about “How to Interview for A Job.” My real goal is to raise funds to help Ms. Ramas-Suarez bring extra materials into her classroom. Today’s educators face more challenges than ever before. I’m becoming a Teacher Champion to inspire the children in our community and bring great energy to their teacher! YOU can cheer me on to TEACHING VICTORY! More importantly, I NEED YOU to donate to support my class of students and all of the students and teachers that The Education Fund helps via its vast efforts to improve public education. Thank you, in advance, for supporting me – an Education Champion – but really just a regular person looking to make an impact!
About Our Guests
David Lawrence Jr. retired in 1999 as publisher of The Miami Herald after a 35-year journalism career at seven newspapers to work in the area of early childhood development and readiness. During his tenure as Herald publisher, the paper won five Pulitzer Prizes. He chairs The Children’s Movement of Florida and has served on the Governor’s Children and Youth Cabinet and twice chaired the Florida Partnership for School Readiness. Additionally, he has led two successful campaigns for The Children’s Trust, a dedicated source of early intervention and prevention funding in Miami-Dade. In 2002-3 and in 2011, he chaired statewide panels on child protection. In 2002, he was a key figure in passing a statewide constitutional amendment to provide pre-K for all 4 year olds.
Mr. Lawrence is the founding chair of the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade and Monroe. The David Lawrence Jr. K-8 Public School opened in 2006. An endowed chair in early childhood studies is established in his name at the University of Florida. In 2015 he was appointed by the Governor to the Board of Trustees of Florida A&M University.
His 13 honorary doctorates include one from his alma mater, the University of Florida. His national honors include the National Association of Minority Media Executives award for “lifetime achievement in diversity.” He was the 1991-92 president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the 1995-96 president of the Inter American Press Association.
Marilen Marnett has 10 years of experience managing events and sponsorships having worked with Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, CBRE Group and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando. She’s also an attorney and a graduate of the University of Miami School of Law.