South Florida’s Top Business Podcast

Social Media Marketing and My Small Business -updated 6-23-12


Jim Fried on Social MediaI’ve been involved with social media marketing now for about 24 months! 

I use LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter on a regular basis.  My radio show operates as a hub for my social media content world.  My experiences in seeking the best way to implement social media and the best applications of social media in my business provide an interesting lesson for other small and midsize business persons.

I initially put my toe in the water in the social media world through LinkedIn.  It was easy to use and I got a lot of people to connect with me quickly.  LinkedIn and is a great social network for the professional world.  It has significant benefits many of which I have not yet explored.  I use it to communicate with my LinkedIn contacts and to broaden my contact base by creating discussions within all LinkedIn groups I have joined.

The LinkedIn discussion groups have provided me with a significant increase in my contact base and allowed me to identify a candidate for employment at our firm that we eventually hired.  I have found that approximately 10% of my LinkedIn contacts open content that I send to them.  I think that’s an extraordinary number given the diversity of the contacts in my Linked In database.

My Linked In database has grown significantly and now exceeds 1,400 contacts.  I add about 10 to 15 LinkedIn contacts per month.  Whenever somebody links in with me I always respond to them with a personal message asking if they’d like to have a phone call to see if we can do business.  I’ve had significant success with this method and typically generate 1 or 2 leads per week this way.

Facebook is the one social media platform that I have not fully grasped.  I realize that sounds ridiculous given that most 10 year olds can operate on Facebook and are better at it than their parents.  I started with a personal page over a year ago and got poor results. I generated a lot of friends quickly but I also started to get spam friend requests.   My personal page became a magnet for unwanted business solicitations.  Therefore, I created a business only page.

I ran a contest to generate friends and soon had over 1,000.  Facebook offers the small business person the opportunity to create a truly rich online experience.  I found that it’s not really a great place to meet new business contacts so far but is has shown that it is a great place to project your personality onto the Internet.  In order for me to take full advantage of Facebook I’ve hired a consultant.

Associates in Business  has designed my Facebook page as well as my online web page/blog.  Their familiarity with the nuances of Facebook allows me to focus my time more efficiently and they produce a Facebook product above and beyond what I would ever be able to do on my own.  I recommend this approach to every small business person who has little time and many ideas.

The Associates in Business also are my search engine optimization experts. They have helped me get my web site to the top of Google pages and help me generate thousands of hits each week.

Other than radio, my favorite form of social media is Twitter.  Again I can hardly understand the landscape of the Twitter universe so I got myself a personal consultant.  My Twitter consultant goes under the handle of SocialMedia305 (SM305).  He has shown me how to use Twitter to build my contacts, identify the relevant thought leaders in my business and market my products effectively.

SM305 has helped me build my business by creating a targeted list of potential clients and a list of potential customers those clients want to reach.


How will these social media platforms interact to help me build my business? 

A brief example will help paint the picture.  I recently authored an article on the Miami condominium market.  I used Twitter, Linked In and Facebook to distribute the article across the globe.  Using a bitly tag, I was able to follow the article as it traveled around the world.

The article made it to China, India, Belgium, South Africa and many other points across the globe!

I can guarantee you that I don’t know too many contacts in China or South Africa.  I can tell you I have to Twitter followers in those countries and that LinkedIn distributed the article to almost 1/3 of all the people that read it.  Facebook played almost no role in this process.

So, if you ask me what the most powerful social media tools of today are I would say they are:

  • Twitter for reaching the general public, and…
  • Linked In for keeping in touch with your personal network. 

While I’m not big on Facebook today that may change as the Associates in Business build out my Facebook presence.  We’re also looking into the Google + world.

If you fell my team of consultants can help you – contact them and stay tuned for updates!


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Fried On Business: Security Token Update
Episode 765 | 04.24.24 

Security Tokens and Real Estate
Apollo, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and others are using security tokens to lower costs, increase efficiencies and reach new investors worldwide

Today Jim will discuss the current market place, the new token fund he is bringing to the market and what the future looks like for this investment vehicle.

About Our Guest:

With 40+ years of experience in real estate finance/private equity, re-structuring and work-outs, raising debt and equity, and closed on several billions in transactions, James McCarthy (Principal, Jameson Capital) has been an investor, lender, investment manager, portfolio manager, financial advisor, corporate consultant, work-out consultant, and city planner. Clients have included domestic & offshore investors, funds, high net worth investors, and private companies. He holds an MBA from Columbia University and a Master of City & Regional Planning from Rutgers University.
Jameson Capital advises on real estate investments and finance (and select corporate transactions) on the corporate/platform and project level, including strategic planning, capitalization, joint ventures, deal origination, transaction negotiation/closing , short-term and long-term debt and equity (especially creative and innovative solutions for complex transactions), asset management, and review of investment performance.

Fried On Business: Security Token Update
Episode 765 | 04.24.24

Security Tokens and Real Estate
Apollo, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and others are using security tokens to lower costs, increase efficiencies and reach new investors worldwide

Today Jim will discuss the current market place, the new token fund he is bringing to the market and what the future looks like for this investment vehicle.

About Our Guest:

With 40+ years of experience in real estate finance/private equity, re-structuring and work-outs, raising debt and equity, and closed on several billions in transactions, James McCarthy (Principal, Jameson Capital) has been an investor, lender, investment manager, portfolio manager, financial advisor, corporate consultant, work-out consultant, and city planner. Clients have included domestic & offshore investors, funds, high net worth investors, and private companies. He holds an MBA from Columbia University and a Master of City & Regional Planning from Rutgers University.
Jameson Capital advises on real estate investments and finance (and select corporate transactions) on the corporate/platform and project level, including strategic planning, capitalization, joint ventures, deal origination, transaction negotiation/closing , short-term and long-term debt and equity (especially creative and innovative solutions for complex transactions), asset management, and review of investment performance.


YouTube Video VVU4aS1uUXJ0T1VrQmVOeGNhODFzaHV3LldvTWl4OG03dExN

Fried On Business: Security Token Update

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Fried On Business: UF Real Estate Update
Episode 758 | 03.06.24 

UF Real Estate Update

Jim attended the Annual UF Trends and Strategies Conference last week

He will tell you what he learned at the conference and he will speak with one of the Program's students:

Emme Benoit about why she choose the UF MSRE program and what she is learning.


About Our Guests:

Emme Gisele-Louise Benoit 

Emme graduated from the University of Tennessee with a degree in Supply Chain Management, but deep down, always knew real estate was the path she was meant to take. So, she followed her heart and pursued that passion. Now, she is a Master of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) student at the University of Florida, a journey that was largely inspired by her father's successful career as a commercial real estate developer.
 Emme’s fascination with real estate isn't just about the industry itself; it's about the impact it has on communities and landscapes. She loves seeing how built spaces come to life, transforming areas and changing the skyline. It's about bringing a vision to reality and witnessing the profound changes that follow. This passion drives her every day and fuels her dedication to the field.
      Currently, she serve as the Co-President of the UF Women's Real Estate Society and as an MSRE ambassador. These roles have given her the incredible opportunity to lead, inspire, and connect with like-minded individuals who are as passionate about real estate as she is. Through these positions, she aims to empower women in the industry, foster a supportive community, and advocate for sustainable and innovative practices in real estate. 
      Emme’s journey in real estate is a testament to following one's passion and making a tangible impact on the world. She is committed to learning, growing, and contributing to the industry in meaningful ways, and she is excited to see where this path will take her.

Fried On Business: UF Real Estate Update
Episode 758 | 03.06.24

UF Real Estate Update

Jim attended the Annual UF Trends and Strategies Conference last week

He will tell you what he learned at the conference and he will speak with one of the Program's students:

Emme Benoit about why she choose the UF MSRE program and what she is learning.


About Our Guests:

Emme Gisele-Louise Benoit

Emme graduated from the University of Tennessee with a degree in Supply Chain Management, but deep down, always knew real estate was the path she was meant to take. So, she followed her heart and pursued that passion. Now, she is a Master of Science in Real Estate (MSRE) student at the University of Florida, a journey that was largely inspired by her father's successful career as a commercial real estate developer.
Emme’s fascination with real estate isn't just about the industry itself; it's about the impact it has on communities and landscapes. She loves seeing how built spaces come to life, transforming areas and changing the skyline. It's about bringing a vision to reality and witnessing the profound changes that follow. This passion drives her every day and fuels her dedication to the field.
      Currently, she serve as the Co-President of the UF Women's Real Estate Society and as an MSRE ambassador. These roles have given her the incredible opportunity to lead, inspire, and connect with like-minded individuals who are as passionate about real estate as she is. Through these positions, she aims to empower women in the industry, foster a supportive community, and advocate for sustainable and innovative practices in real estate. 
      Emme’s journey in real estate is a testament to following one's passion and making a tangible impact on the world. She is committed to learning, growing, and contributing to the industry in meaningful ways, and she is excited to see where this path will take her.


YouTube Video VVU4aS1uUXJ0T1VrQmVOeGNhODFzaHV3Lm9STlVPb0NZWkM4

Fried On Business: UF Real Estate Update

Jim Fried 13 views March 6, 2024 5:45 pm