How To Make A Good Decision 

How To Make A Good Decision Episode 778 | 07.24.24 We make 33,000 – 35,000 decisions every day How do you know which ones will be the right ones? Make priorities Take advice Have an open mind But also, know when to do less And Jim shares his tried and true method for telling where […]

Episode 750!!!

Episode 750 | 01.10.24 Today Marks The 750th Episode Of Fried On Business! To celebrate our guest is Larry Zinn Executive General Manager of Warren Henry Auto Group. Warren Henry has been the show’s lead sponsor for the past 12+ years. On the show we discuss: how the auto industry has changed over the past […]

Warren Henry Making Strides

Episode 623  |  7.7.21 Cars of the Present & the Future and Warren Henry in the Community. Self driving cars? When will they really make a dent? Hydrogen or electric vehicles? How about air taxis and other means that we can’t even conceive of right now? Larry Zinn of Warren Henry Auto Group gives an […]